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We in CFC Youth for Christ believe,

• That God is calling everyone to a personal relationship with Him through His Son JesusChrist,

• That this call is not exclusive, but shared with all sectors of society, regardless of age,color, nationality, status and beliefs in life;

• That the youth have a very special place in God’s heart, and that they in return have a verydeep sense of love of God, and that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is somethingthat they desire,

• That the youth have a vibrant, energetic, dynamic and free-spirited nature rather thandenying this nature and forcing the youth into a mold that satisfies our own perception ofChristianity and holiness. We accept their nature, not curtailing it, but re-channeling itinto an active expression of submission to and participation in the plan of God,

• That the youth who detached themselves from God have not done so just because of theirown liking or plan, but also because of societal deficiencies in family life, education andgovernment structures;

• That the youth are full of ideas and are blessed by the Lord with talents, that the youtharein need of friends and role models, and therefore should be given the opportunity todevelop these skills and relationships in a healthy Christian environment;

• That the youth realize the need to make decisions in life; but they should also know thatas they do so, God should always be an inseparable part of these decisions knowing alsothat they are future leaders of families and societies, we realize that their future dependson how they are molded today as God’s children;

• That the youth are responsible as long as they are given the appropriate amount ofguidance, trust and loving care,

• That the youth grow not only from what they receive, but more through with what theyare able to share with others,

• That the youth are at the forefront of a spiritual battle and that the evil one knows just asmuch, that the deception by the evil one, intended to confuse, mislead, and even initiatethe youth into his evil plans, comes in the form of day to day experiences in family life,school, society, relationships, values and practices, music, language and ideals;

• But we also believe that as the plan of God unfolds, there is nothing and no one that canseparate us from His love in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39). His love is our source ofwisdom and His life becomes our model in helping build this present and future life forthe youth.

• Our Philosophy is a statement of victory for Christ’s youth. It is a declaration of activesubmission to the will of God – primarily believing that the true purpose in life is to serveGod above all things.


© 2013 by Junsel James Yongco Valmoria. All rights reserved.

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